A Halfling Already

It's been six months since I started blogging, and I'm loving every step of the way. I've met a lot of voracious readers who blog earnestly and frequently, and have introduced me to a lot of new books, most of whom I haven't managed to read yet, but have filed away in my memory. Thank you all so much!

I haven't been able to read and review as many books as I wanted to, but I implemented a little change and order in my life that'll help me do just that. Well, I have read and reviewed 31 books, which means an average of 5 books a month. I want to read and review about 10-15 books a month, and I want a little more structure in my reading. I did create a list of blogging goals a couple of weeks ago, but here I'm thinking of setting some targets for my reading as well.

1. Series: I have been starting a lot of series, but rarely have I proceeded beyond the first book. I plan to first finish all the trilogies and cycles that I started, then try to read more of the James Bond and Discworld series.

2. Challenges: I have said this before, and I'll say it again: I can never stick to lists. But I am going to put in a real effort to change that, by signing up for 2 challenges by the end of the year that will streamline my reading pile.

3. Non-fiction: I noticed a serious lack of non-fiction in my reading. So I'm now going to read and review atleast one non-fiction book a month.

4. Award winners: Another thing is that I am very reluctant to start award-winning books. You see, I have a perception that Booker or Nobel-winning books are heavy and boring, and this idea doesn't seem to come unstuck from my mind. So I will try to read a minimum of three prize-winning books in the next six months.

5. New Authors: I have a tendency of sticking to tried-and-tested familiar authors. I want to read works by debut authors, authors who I haven't heard of before. There are many debut books that have received much praise, I so want to read a few of them.

As for the past six months, there are a few books that I loved, those that are very close to my heart. I gushed about them in the reviews, and here they are, my Top 3 reads.
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Kite Runner
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

I also started a monthly Author Feature where I write about some authors whose works I have loved. I probably read hundreds of reviews by fellow book bloggers, which added so many books to my TBR pile that I now have an Excel document listing all the books I want to read. That list is like a perpetual reading challenge, books keep getting added (not many subtracted unfortunately). I want to thank all the people who have visited my blog, especially those who stayed to comment, and above all, the entire book blogging community who gave me the inspiration and enthusiasm to write my views down. Thanks everyone, and


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4 Responses
  1. Ana S. Says:

    Congrats on your first six months of blogging :D Here's to many more. Also, good luck with your goals for the next six months. This is always a matter of personal taste, of course, but two booker winners which were the opposite of boring for me were Possession by A.S.Byatt and The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Congrats on your 6 months of blogging. I'm only on my third month and it's going good. I noticed I've been reading a lot more! I find reading challenges hard to complete though but it's something I'm going to have to work on.

  3. Booklogged Says:

    So glad you joined the book blogging community. There are so many now that I have a hard time keeping up with reading and posting and commenting, but it is fun. And the TBR list does grow by leaps and bounds. I have my excel list, too. Congrats on 6 months. Hope there will be many more!

  4. Hazra Says:

    @Nymeth: Thanks for the suggestions. I have Kazuo Ishiguro on my shelf, but I still have to start on it.
    @okbolover, Booklogged: Thank you so much!

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